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Introducing CareSight
Patient Care Alarm Analytics

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From raw data
To useful insight

CareSight combines powerful software with
a team of clinical workflow specialists and data scientists to deliver actionable insight

We work together with your alarm committee and informatics team to 
accelerate program results and get the most value from your data

How does
CareSight work?

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CareSight Portal Features

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Correlation is critical in seeing the whole picture.

When overlaying data (or 'smooshing'), sequences
of events that drive alarm activity and risk conditions
come clear rather quickly

CareSight Portal

Browser or mobile accessible dashboard to build various views of patient monitoring alarm, RTLS info, etc.

CareSight Reports

Reports by shift on all things alarm/alert primarily used for
nursing operations

Support for Alarm Committees

Our team works with alarm committees, providing the data they need to advance programs.

Let's have a quick discussion to see if we can help!

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