Fall Prevention is a multi-disciplinary challenge

"47% of reported
Sentinel Events
in the first half of 2023
were falls"
Whether it is caused by stronger drugs or staff shortages, falls are on the increase.
Hospitals need cost effective solutions that don't strain
staff resources
source: Joint Commission
The right combination of technology, technique/process, and professional services advisory services can be implemented to provide maximum protection against patient falls.
Alairo AFP -
Active Fall Prevention
Fall Prevention Professional Services

Alairo AFP -
the technology
The system uses visual tracking of movement and position, and applies machine learning to quickly and reliably identify imminent bed exit activity.
Eliminating the delays and inconsistency in human judgement provides flawless and fast detection.
Fast, Reliable detection
of impending bed exits
The typical false alarms associated with patient movement - weight shifts reaching for cell phones, etc. are eliminated, such that every alarm counts.
Minimal False Alarms
to make every alarm count
Privacy is maintained, as no images ever leave the sensing unit. There are no human eyes prying on patient privacy.
Immediate call-back to room on bed exit alarm
(or any notification)
"Stall the Fall!"
Displays pending alarms and alarm history, with the ability to quickly talk to the patient

Professional Services around Fall Prevention

Accelerate the path to a safer hospital with professional services.
Based on the extensive work, and in close collaboration with
Dr. Patty Dykes,
services can be
delivered to reduce falls.
Adding rapid, reliable detection reduces response times and can cut fall rates by more than 50%.