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© â“’2023 Lone Star Communications Companies, LLC 'Alairo'® is a registered trademark and 'Transforming Health Care Through Innovation' is a slogan mark of Lone Star Communications Companies. Lone Star Communication Companies reserves the right to alter specifications to any of its products and/or services without notice at any time.

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Solving critical hospital challenges

  • Fall Prevention  

  • Alarm Overload - alarm fatigue

  • Coordinated information access

The Center of
Connected Care

Deliver the right information, to the right person, at the right time

Today’s nursing and care teams spend a lot of time looking through different systems for information. Bringing the most important information to their mobile devices saves valuable time, while improving safety, efficiency, and patient care.

this was the original version

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Code Blue Annunciation

Augmenting Nurse Call, Alairo adds redundancy for safety. It ensures Code Blue events have zero delays and get to the right team members reliably.

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Clinician Info Center

Each nurses mobile phone becomes the portal for important data on patient care (meals, meds, and critical events).

Nurses are informed of high risk patients and can quickly scan recent alarm history.

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Patient Engagement

Alairo engineers the entire information environment around the patient, from replacing archaic whiteboards in their room, to delivering entertainment on large- screen TVs or bedside tablets.

Family Engagement

Keeping concerned family members updated is a consuming task for nurses.

Informing them of key activities around care improves their peace of mind.


Alairo InSight delivers actionable information to:

  • Manage noise and distraction

  • Optimize Nursing Operations

  • Prioritize and Execute Programs

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